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Chess Activity Workbook

Award-Winning Method

Story Time Learning families say it best...

1,800 reviews and counting

My grandkids love the Story Time Chess game, so they loved coloring the characters. The exercises and puzzles are the right difficulty and make it fun for them to remember the different moves and strategies. These workbooks keep them interested, and help them develop a deeper appreciation for chess.


I bought the puzzle workbook for my 4 year old son after we went through the Story Time Chess storybook that comes with the game. The puzzles focus on how to put the opposing king in check and how to get out of check by either escaping or obstructing with another piece. It’s perfect for where my kid is at.


These chess workbooks are a great complement to the Story Time Chess game. It's a really creative and engaging way for kids to reinforce the concepts they learnt with the game. The fun stories and colorful characters make it easy to get kids interested, playing and learning for hours.

