17 Reasons Why Chess is the Ultimate After-School Activity For Your Child

17 Reasons Why Chess is the Ultimate After-School Activity For Your Child


When it comes to after school activities, the choices are endless!

What is a parent to do with a limited amount of post-school hours and the pressure to get your child into an intellectually engaging and fun activity?

Well, we have the answer! Chess is the ULTIMATE after-school activity.

Want to know more?

Check out these 17 reasons why chess is such a great after-school enrichment.



1. Chess sparks the imagination.


Shocking, right? We know creativity might be the absolute last benefit you’d expect your child to gain from chess but it is number one in our book! It takes creativity and imaginative thinking to come up with different chess moves, but Story Time Chess takes creativity a step further. Our fun stories, vibrant illustrations, and custom chess pieces encourage players to approach chess (and learning in general) from a more creative place.


2. Chess provides an academic edge.


Students who play chess score an average of 10 percentage points higher on reading tests and 6.4 points higher on math tests than students who have never studied the game. Chess leads to higher retention skills, swifter problem solving, and calmness under pressure. 


3. Chess high fives hard work.


The more a child plays the game, the better chess player they become. Simple as that! Students can easily see their hard work paying off as they begin to capture better pieces and win more games!


4. Chess makes you a positively proficient planner.


Every chess game starts with a plan, but choosing an opening move can be tricky. Chess encourages thinking several steps ahead and making a plan for your pieces. Story Time Chess helps students master their opening moves with our “Secret Mission” story series.


5. Chess makes flexibility fun.


We all know even the best-laid plans sometimes go awry! Mental flexibility is a vital skill in both chess and life. Chess players must remain flexible as their opponent’s plans unfold during the game. Children and adults often find it hard to change direction but regularly playing chess makes this skill easier to master. I think we can all agree that when it comes to kids and parents, flexibility is key!


6. Chess is fun for ages three to eighty-three.


Chess is perfect for both an after-school playdate and family game night. It can be enjoyed by all ages! You might even find yourself busting out the chessboard after the kiddos head to bed!


7. Chess encourages learning that builds on itself.


Story Time Chess is based on the Russian Method; beginners start by learning one piece per lesson. Teaching children how to retain and build on what they’ve previously learned is invaluable for educational development!


8. Chess is an excellent way to relax after school.


Chess is the perfect way to wind down after a long day of school. Focusing on the task in front of you while blocking out all other thoughts and cares is a great way to end a day of learning.


9. Chess exercises both sides of your brain.


If we are going to work that brain, we better exercise both sides, right? The left, the more analytical side of the brain, is looking for the next logical move. The right, more creative side, seeks out patterns and new possibilities. Story Time Chess brings it all together! By communicating the rules of chess through creative storytelling, our lessons encourage both creative and logical thinking!


10. Chess encourages healthy exploration of competitive behavior.


We all know our competitive natures can get the better of us from time to time. Children need a safe space to experience and process these feelings in a healthy way. Encouraging children to play chess without the promise of winning is a wonderful way to form a healthy relationship with competition!


11. Chess sharpens critical thinking.


Chess encourages children to become “if-then” thinkers. The ability to thoughtfully weigh out several possibilities is a valuable skill that will come in handy long after the chess game is over.


12. Chess builds confidence.


Nothing is more rewarding than mastering a chess move! With over 25,000 game sets sold and thousands of lessons under our belt, we have found that students who play chess regularly tend to excel further in other life areas.


13. Chess is the perfect way to lose with dignity and win with humility.


Learning to lose is tough, even for adults! Chess encourages good sportsmanship by insisting players always end with a “good game” handshake. The message instills the knowledge that, win or lose, chess will always be fun to play with your pals!


14. Chess helps you concentrate.


We often remind our students to “play both sides” of the game. No zoning out allowed! You can't count on your opponent to tell you what move they made; you must watch for yourself! Staying engaged during your opponent’s move strengthens concentration skills. In a world where screens are continually competing for our attention, concentrating on a chess game is the perfect way to strengthen that skill.


15. Chess is a workout for your brain.

We all know how important it is to eat your veggies and break a sweat! But often, our mental fitness is left in the dust. Recurring games of chess improve brain function, memory, and help you stay sharp! The mathematician Blaise Pascal famously said, “Chess is the gymnasium of the mind.” We couldn’t agree more!


16. Chess encourages pattern recognition.


No two chess games are alike, but they are made up of different moves or patterns. As children continue to play chess regularly, they will start to remember move combos from previous games and apply them in real time.


17. Chess is the perfect option for old-fashioned fun!


Let’s face it, we all have a love-hate relationship with screens. Studies show that screen time is linked to increased physical and mental health issues in children. Chess is a great and, dare we say, timeless board game that gets kids off of screens and engaging their brains! Many schools are increasing the use of screens in their lesson plans, so why not choose a totally screen-free after-school option?


With countless benefits and endless amounts of fun, chess is the perfect way to spend those after-school hours. Now you might be wondering: How can I get my child interested in the game of chess?

Through our extensive experience teaching tens of thousands of lessons we have found the answer!


Children are quick to ask why instead of how. Story Time Chess stories funnel all of the “why” questions into basic chess strategy principles.

Our beautifully designed storybook and matching chess pieces and board bring the game of chess to life for your child.

Story Time Chess is the perfect way to incorporate chess into your child’s after-school activities and their lives in general! With so many benefits that reach far beyond the actual game, chess is a great activity for parents wanting to further their child’s education in a fun and creative way.

If you want to encourage your child to strengthen their brain, Story Time Chess is a no-brainer! 


See all articles in Benefits of Chess